Nov 302009

We have been adding some photos to the Photo Gallery Page.  These are mostly unedited photos, unedited for quantity and for quality,  and we have not weeded many out, but wanted to get them on the site and available for viewing as quickly as possible.

We will be eliminating many of the lesser quality photos over as the next few weeks go by, and will be adding captions to the ones that remain.  So, please be patient while we sort through all of the photos.  I know seeing 50 pictures of one sunset gets boring after a while.  What can I say… happens with digital cameras.  We also hope to post some additional photos into the daily postings from the trip, we were limited by internet time when we made the posts originally.

We have been home for a little over a week, and finally feel recovered.  The hardest adjustment has been getting up to go to work, and not having someone else prepare all of the meals.  Miss those relaxing days at sea.

We will be spending the upcoming holidays with family and friends, but to everyone we will not see, Happy Holidays!!

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