Oct 162012

The Post Order has been modified to start at the beginning of the trip planning posts, and concluding with the flight home post.

If you want to skip all of the Trip Planning entries, and go directly to the posts detailing the trip itself, click on the Menu Tab above titled “Trip Posts Only” .  This will skip over all of the Trip Planning posts and start with the post titled “On Our Way to Paris – Finally, September 13, 2012”.  The remainder of the posts for the trip will then follow in chronological order.

Oct 082012

On my first day off for retirement after the trip, I spent most of the day proof reading the blog entries for the actual trip.  I did not go back to the planning entries, just starting with the entry for the flight to Paris.  I hope that I found most of the errors.  I also did a little bit of re-writes.  I could tell the days where the entries were written and  posted late at night, after a long day.  There were many sentences that did not make much sense in those posts, the result of a tired mind.

I also noticed that there was just a short entry for one of the days in Oberammergau, Germany, on September 29.  That entry has now been written in detail, and  the appropriate pictures for that post have been added.

The entire set of trip photos was loaded up onto the main home computer, all 3,500 or so of the photos we took.  The home computer is a self built high speed desktop specifically designed for photo editing, and is set up with both Adobe Lightroom  and Photoshop for editing, with a monitor calibrated for proper color rendition.

We will be editing  more of the photos and adding them to the Photo Albums for each place we visited.