Sep 112012

The beginning of our trip is just two days away, and we are feeling both the excitement and the last minute nervous rush at the same time.  We have just about completed our packing effort, and the bags are about 42 pounds each.  Not as light as we wanted, with the self imposed goal being a 40 pound limit, but close enough.  We still may take out an item or two, but with so much else to do before we go, we more than likely will call it good.

Both of us have been busy at work, with Stephanie trying to get things in order with her therapy patients, and me just trying to make it to my last day on the job, as leave time off before my official retirement is just one more day away.  I can honestly say that motivation to do actual work is about as low as it can get, mentally I am just about done with it.   However, in fairness to the person inheriting my projects, I am trying to be helpful, albeit without much enthusiasm, mostly just dedication (LOL).

Tomorrow will bring the last minute packing completion, going through the “packing” and “to do” checklists to make sure we have everything done and packed, and hopefully, a good nights sleep.  Although Stephanie is working a few hours on Thursday morning before we leave, I will be at home on “vacation” already, getting the last items in order.

We have a pretty good plan for most of the cities, and should have some train riding time to put the finishing touches on them as we go from city to city.  If not, we will just have to do the best we can to have fun and enjoy our time at each destination.

  2 Responses to “Two Days and Counting Until Departure”

  1. Happy packing & safe travels tomorrow….can’t wait to see the usual great pics & commentary, I don’t even have to leave Fla , just live through you kids!! Lol. Love ya both & safe trip!!!!! And y’all better be visiting Melbourne before you head back to SC!! Have fun!

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