Feb 282014

The last full day for us in Roatan was sunny, just like all of the days prior to today.  The weather for the week has been the best part of the trip, we could not have asked for anything better.  We have had zero rain, and just a few clouds on a couple of the days.  The wind today was a little more onshore, so it was a little rougher out on the water once the wind kicked in.  However, it seemed a little drier today, a little less humid.

We had another casualty last night on the intestinal front, Bryan had some of the same issues as Stephanie and I had.  He had some issues during the night, taking his turn with the Roatan Rumba.  Hopefully, his will be a little less sever than ours, since we are still suffering from the Roatan Rumba today.

It seems to be a little less severe, but with having to travel tomorrow, we were not willing to party like Roatan Rock Stars on the last day here, and then face all of the airport and flight time tomorrow, with limited bathroom access, while dealing with the  “Roatan Rumba”

We were able to spend some time out on the beach, and since our place is located right next to the beach, it afforded us equal opportunity to either be on the beach or inside on the circular dance floor doing the short Roatan Rumba sessions.

Although being ill has been a little disappointing, Stephanie and I were able to enjoy ourselves some, it could have been worse.  Stephanie and I are probably benefiting from the positive impact of zero adult beverages, a diet of rice and bread, and no snacks or sweets over the last three days, the best weight loss diet we have been on in a while.

We had another nice sunset tonight, although it was a little hazy.  However, the haze added some nice diffused orange color to the sunset.

Stephanie and I did some packing while the others got ready for going out to dinner at the Argentina Grill, a short walk down the beach.  Bryan was brave enough to go despite dealing with his case of the “Rumba”, Stephanie and I gave him kudos for that.  We stuck with our rice and bread prison diet, but it was nice to sit and relax, and we were able to Skype and Face Time with our moms.  It was a little tedious, the internet here is as reliable as the water and the power.  Knock on wood, we have not had a power outage tonight, as of 9:15 PM, so we hope we are home free.

We have to leave for the airport tomorrow by 9:45 AM, apparently there is some additional security time restrictions being implemented on the American Airlines flight the others are taking that is connecting in Miami, specifically the added security seemed to only impact flights to the Miami Airport.  We were informed of that yesterday by the Management Company agent for the property, she had received an online notice about the American Airlines Flights.  Our flights are scheduled to both leave around the same time, and apparently there is some amount of time required to get through the check-in, security, and to pay the exit fee.  We also have to return the rental car.

It has been an enjoyable trip, even with some of the health issues Stephanie and I faced.  We will just have to pick a couple of nights after we get home and go to some of our favorite restaurants at home to make up for the prison diet we have been on here.

We did not take any photos today either, just not up for it being under the weather.

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