Oct 012010

Rainy Rothenburg

After a good nights sleep, we woke up about 7:30 AM, eager to explore the city of Rothenburg.  We were not surprised to see it was raining AGAIN.

We just can’t seem to get rid of the bad weather on this trip after having had such good luck on our previous travels.  I guess it eventually had to catch up to us.

Our plan had been to spend the morning in Rothenburg, and then take the car to some other nearby towns.  It was so rainy that we changed the plan initially so that we could stay at the hotel and load up some pictures into the photo album page for the blog, and to update some of the posts to add some photos, so we worked on that for a while this morning before heading out into the rain showers to explore the city.

Trail to the Topper House

Medieval Mayor Topper’s House

Once we headed out, we went down a long and steep trail to the Tauber River Valley to see the Toppler Castle, which is a very small castle that was once occupied by the medieval Mayor Toppler. The castle is somewhat of a landmark here.  It was a slippery hike down a wet path covered with leaves that had fallen from the trees.

It was even worse coming back up.  We both were so hot form the climb that we had to go back to the hotel and put on some drier clothes, afraid the wet clothes in the cool weather would NOT help our colds.

After changing, we went back out to look around the town, walking around the perimeter of the walled city and visiting some of the interesting towers and gates into the city.  We also did a little shopping to look for an authentic Bavarian Hat for me and to look at some of the local wines and other souvenirs.

Rainy and Overcast Rothenburg

Sometimes, it would look like the weather was clearing, only to start to drizzle again.  It was the worst weather day we had had for the trip, but we looked at the bright side (we had to look really hard), we were tired and needed to rest a little anyway, and with the rainy weather, it was a good reason to finally take a little break.  As I stated before, it also gave us a chance to catch up on the blog, which has become more time consuming that I thought, probably because we are spending longer days out and about than we did on any of  our cruise trips, leaving less opportunity for the blogging, especially the pictures, which are always tougher to get in.  Plus, not all of our accommodations have had internet access.

We ended up not driving around at all today, just staying put, getting some desserts to try, and drinking some wine while updating the blog, planning out next drive, and getting some of the cities loaded up into the GPS.  Tomorrow night, we will have to find a place to sleep since

Scenic Rothenburg

we had left this one night open to “wing it”, we were not sure where we wanted to go before heading to Fussen.  Since we were able to visit Dachau while we were in Munich, we do not have to head over in that general direction tomorrow, so we will just have to find a place in one of the cities on the way to our next reservation in Fussen.

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